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Lupión-Cobos, T., Crespo-Gómez, J. I., & García-Ruiz, C. (2023). Challenges and opportunities to teaching inquiry approaches by STE(A)M projects in the primary education classroom. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 22(3), 454-469
Lupión-Cobos, T., Couso-Lagarón, D., Romero-Ariza, M. y Domènech-Casal, J. (2023). STEM education in the Spanish context: key features and issues, In S. M. Al-Balushi, L. Martin-Hansen &Youngjin Song (Eds.). Reforming Science Teacher Education Programs in the STEM Era. International and Comparative Perspectives, 181–198 .Palgrave Studies on Leadership and Learning in Teacher Education. Springer
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